What is the greatest 'What if' in sci-fi movie history?

What is the greatest 'What if' in sci-fi movie history?

Ever pondered about the greatest "What if" in the sci-fi movie realm? Well, hold onto your popcorn folks, because it's none other than "What if... the Terminator had been a good guy from the start?" Imagine that! Our hulking, Austrian-accented robot pal, instead of being a cold-blooded killing machine, is a jolly good fellow right off the bat, delivering pizzas instead of bullets! The mind-blowing reroute of a plot would've made for quite the cinematic feast, wouldn't it? So, next time you watch Schwarzenegger's red eyes glow, remember - he could've been the friendliest delivery guy in town!

By Zander Fairweather on Aug, 3 2023 0  /  Film & Television